Keven has over 40 days clean right now.
This has not happened for at least a year or more.
His attitude, demeanor, outlook on life - have all changed.
He's the son I knew I was buried under the addiction, and for now he is back.
So, there is HOPE.
I am not naive enough to think this is the end of his journey, it doesn't really end. He is going to meetings, getting counseling, etc. It could be the end of him using heroin and other drugs...or it may not be.
For now, I am enjoying each and every second of his clear-headed thinking, sweet personality and enthusiastic attitude.
I miss writing about it. I know there are people out there that have been touched or helped by this blog and that means THE WORLD to me. I may still write here now and then, just don't tell my therapist! ;)
Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara
My daughter has been clean since August. She was locked up then because she was pregnant and using meth. Right before she delivered she was transferred to a sober living home. She is not cooperating there. She continues to lie and manipulate. Her son was taken into protective custody and he is in our home.
Even clean and sober, she is struggling. Part of this is because she has a developmental disability. But, more pointed... she thinks she can go back and live the way she was living and stay sober. There is not need to change her friends, no need to settle down -- she doesn't mind couch hopping or even sleeping on someones cold, unfinished basement floor -- as long as she isn't labeled a vulnerable adult. (Uh, this logic does not extend to her SSI payment. She doesn't mind getting paid as an adult with a disability.)
this is beautiful, thanks for sharing :)
smiles from the bottom of my heart, Barbara. You BOTH deserve "clean" time.
You remember how scared I was that B would relapse? That fear hasn't gone away, but I have learned not to let it impact my time with my son. He may or he may not that is simply what it is. I remember B telling me that it isn't one day at a time it is one second. Every second they are sober is a miracle. Enjoy every minute.
Thanks each of you! Its not easy but I am trying not to project into the future to what MIGHT happen because it might NOT happen.
Congrats!!! :D I am so happy for you! That's so amazing! (:
Somehow I missed this post, Barbara. I am so very happy for you and hope that things are continuing to go well. Peace and love to you and Keven.
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