August 31, 2009

I'm Home, I Talked to Him

I got home from Wisconsin today. My son called and we talked for the first time in ten days. Got to hear straight from him what happened. He told me the same story he told me when he called me the day he got arrested.

Apparently they coerced him to say a few things he didn't want to say. He's been researching what may happen to him and the options are: out this week, in for 90 days, in for 6 months. He wants me to hire a lawyer. Ummmm...that would be a big fat NO.

He thanked me for the books I sent, it does make me happy that he's reading, have to take joy in the small things.

He said there are 100 guys in his area of the jail, 80 Hispanic and the other 20 a mix. K is the youngest white guy and also one of the biggest white guys. So apparently he is either looked to as protection or picked on.

He's in a cell with 5 Hispanic guys who speak Spanish in front of him most of the time. They are all in for murder or assault charges. Lovely. I guess its good that he hates it in there and feels nervous and has to watch his back, but still the thought of him with such violent offenders, he's just a kid drug addict...seems extreme. But there are lots of gangbangers in that jail so I guess its probably a typical arrangement.

Oh well. Too tired to really care about much tonight.

Trying to catch up on all your blogs.....


Mom of Opiate Addict said...

Take this time to try and rest your mind, body and soul. Good for you not hiring a lawyer and I am glad you got away and had a good trip. I know you were homesick but sure getting away did you a world of good. Stay strong and take care of yourself.

justLacey said...

Stand strong mom!

Lou said...

All county jails suck, especially with the cut backs. My son would complain and complain about it, but he kept going back.

Starrlight said...

Get some rest. You can only do so much.

Barbara(aka Layla) said...

Hi Mom, yes, today I am taking care of things I need to get done (laundry etc) and just moving at my own pace. I do have a call in to his PD to find out what the charges are against him because I am curious.

Thank you, Lace!

Lou, I hope mine doesn't keep going back but when I hear about Andrew I have hope because he seems to want sobriety now.

Starr, so true :)

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