January 27, 2011

Parent Project? Will It Help?

Just read about this on my cities local blog.  What do you think?  I have mixed feelings.

   Police Services is offering parents methods to deal with difficult or destructive behaviors in their children.  The Parent Project has been developed over 20 years to help kids develop into safe and responsible adults.
   Parents are invited to take part in 10-sessions designed to help children grow into safe and capable adults. The 10-week program helps parents learn and practice specific prevention strategies for defiant actions or destructive behaviors such as truancy, alcohol and drug use, gangs, running away, violence and suicide. Parents will learn to deal with poor grades and online gaming addictions.  They will also learn to understand teens and their use of technology.
   MV Deputies, including several of the School Resource Officers, receive 40 hours of training for the Projects, which assists parents with kids ages 11-19. 
   The $20 training includes the workbook and begins next Tuesday, February 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the Murray Center. Parents can  register with Carla Kerr weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 949-470-8433.

Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara


beachteacher said...

Let's hope it's more successful than D.A.R.E. !

Annette said...

I went through The Parent Project...it was good. BUT you have to apply what they teach you...lol and I was not ready to do what they taught. I was still very much in the place of thinking I could love this out of her and all of their strict consequences and confrontation of the behavior issues, I couldn't handle. I'm not saying it wasn't right....I'm saying at that point I was wayyy too lost in my co-dependence to be able to apply what they taught me.

Bar L. said...

Lori, let's hope!

Annette, sounds like it would be good along with Alanon? I'm glad you left this comment. I am going to write the people in charge of it here and ask if they are promotion Alanon. Of course many parents will say "my kid will never use drugs" not realizing they already are :( Been there done that. Actually to be honest, I kind of knew Keven would use, but not HEROIN!

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