May 31, 2011

As the World Turns....All of My Children...The Young and Addicted

First, I should have updated my last post sooner.  Keven called me at 10 pm that night and apologized and accepted my apology and all is well again.

In the meantime...Anthony is going through another dramatic drug infused crisis.  The gist of it is he got stabbed in a drug deal gone bad and was also ripped off of over $300 (all the money he has in the world).  I listened without being sympathetic.  You don't sell drugs to make money whether you are an addict or not.  Its illegal, stupid and dangerous.  The "stab wound" was superficial.  Again, no sympathy, I just looked at it and said "don't let it get infected".

Some may say I didn't do enough, some may say I did too much, I say:  I did what felt right to me.  I am staying on the outskirts of it, but am "here" for him to say things like "keep putting one foot in front of the other"  "one moment at a time" etc.  I gave him one of my old cell phones to use temporarily.

I'm tired but doing good.

Kelly is off using somewhere and I have pretty much let go of her completely.

I feel SO MUCH better than back in the days that this kind of thing was NORMAL!!!


Tori said...

You hit it: "you did what you felt was right." I am trying to do the same thing. Everything is a process and we never truly know what is the right thing to do.

Sorry for Anthony......It is amazing the things they do just in the name of Drugs.

Lou said...

"As the world turns"..that is funny.

Love your outlook!

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