May 6, 2011

Will it be a "Happy" Mother's Day for you?

I celebrate with all the moms who's addicted child has sobriety time - especially some of the long term successes.

I hurt for moms who are new to this, who are entering the nightmare and don't know where to turn.

I empathize with the moms who's child is in jail or rehab and can't be with them.

I pray for the moms who's child is actively using, knowing the heartbreak, fear and stress.

I encourage the moms who live in fear each day for their child's life - as long as he/she is breathing there is hope.

I grieve with tears for the moms who have lost a child - fully aware that it could happen to me, in awe that anyone could possibly survive it, wishing there were words to ease the pain, wondering if "Happy" will every be completely experienced by you again.

Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara


Cadan Henry said...

its cool that you visit. i try to put up a variety of work on the blog. "boat accident" jarred some people. Suffering loss is the hardest thing but its only a story, right?

Dr. Deb said...

Wishing you a good Mother's Day.
And I just adore the background of your new blog.

Bar L. said...

Cadan, I enjoy your writing and hope more people find it.

Deb! I love it when you stop by, Happy Mother's Day to you too!

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Mine will be happy as I know I'm doing my best as a Mom.And human.
There is always moments in a day to pause and give ourselves credit for the things we CAN change..along our road to accepting some of the things we can't,as Moms.And humans.

Great share today,thank you !

Her Big Sad said...

It's just another day to me... I prefer a card or a little silly gift on a random Tuesday for no reason other than someone saw something they thought I would like, rather than a gift because the calender turned a page. I'm planning to spend some time doing things I enjoy, after my work, and it will be a good day! Love and big hugs to you! (and your mom too!)

Lou said...

I'll be thinking of you, and the other mothers I've come to know here. Actually, I think a lot of people have ambivalent feelings about this "holiday" for many reasons that have nothing to do with addictions. It was never a big deal to me.

beachteacher said...

Barbara,...what you wrote about all of us moms of addicts was so beautifully written. It was perfect.

I'm hoping that you have a good day tomorrow, and are honored in some way. You are such a wonderful and honorable mother, and person. You inspire me with your empathy and kindness toward others.

Lisa said...

Beautiful post, Barbara, as always. Happy Mother's Day to you, my friend. You don't need a hallmark day, though, we all know that you are a fabulous and caring Mom...heck you are a fabulous and caring person!

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