December 24, 2010

Another one...

Warning:  If you are in a joyful holiday mood, save reading this for another day (or never) its not pleasant, but it is important.

In the last few months there have been several deaths in our little circle of people we (Keven and me) know.

Last night at Family Group ANOTHER one was announced.

3 from Cornerstone
2 of Kelsey's friends
1 of Keven's old buddies
1 of Keven's good friends

That's deaths that I have personally heard about...just one person heard of 7 deaths in the last few months.

The latest one, a guy from Cornerstone, may have intentionally overdosed according to Keven which I am sure is a rumor going around.  No one will ever know, and does it matter?

In two weeks Anthony is coming home.  Thankfully his grandmother is letting him live with her for a month because there is no way I want him here - we are coveting our peace and quiet.

I am afraid for Anthony.  He's NEVER made it.

Do you remember what was happening last January?

He was out of jail for ELEVEN days, used at his sober living home and ended up on LIFE SUPPORT!

Once he was better he went to another rehab and somehow from there he got busted again and was sent to prison for _______ months, which equals TEN MONTHS time served.

He told his gf that the first thing he wants to do is go to a meeting.  That sounds great.  I hope he does something different because I think he's living on borrowed time as it is, he's not going to have many more chances and he will end up his mother :(

Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara


Sid said...

So sorry to hear that, it's especially hard for the families at this time of year!

Unfortunately death is something that comes with the prohibition of heroin.

Until the world wakes up and deals with the problem (one that will never go away as long as humans are around) there will always be people to supply that demand and they will always try to turn more of a profit by cutting street drugs with dangerous substances that kill people!

Before we can deal with the root cause of addiction we need to stablise drug addicts on suitable medication, when we dont have to risk life and being inprisoned we can start to look at the reasons behind our using.. it works incredibly well in other countries, Zurich has cut new heroin addict numbers by 80% by administering pharmaceutical heroin in a secure medical setting.
By de-glamourising heroin use and making addicts visit they're drug worker three times a day for they're medication they have cut crime/addict numbers/health problems and prison numbers drastically.

Until this happens around the world people will go on dying from adulterated drugs and related health problems.

I hope you have a happy Christmas otherwise... (after that cheery comment!)


kc bob said...

Standing with you in hope Barbara!

Merry Christmas!

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