September 19, 2009

Thinking of you....

I am thinking of all of you who read my blog.  I am reading through your recent blog posts and wanting to sit and write long comments to each of you.  I will, soon.  I just don't have the time right now.  I feel pulled in several directions.  Do you know that feeling when everyone once a piece of you and they are all pushing and pulling and you and you just need some time but don't know when you are going to get it?  That's how I feel.

My boyfriend is in town which is great.  I need to find time later to write here and comment.

Thinking of you.

PS  Saw K today, he's hating jail life, which is how it should be.  I thought it was a good sign when he said that even if he had to stay in there for another two months on a waiting list for the recovery program he would choose that over getting out of jail and not getting in the program.

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