September 8, 2009

Whatever - I am done

I did my part as a parent.
I tried to help him.
It appears that he will be staying in jail for 6 months, we'll know for sure Thursday.

I just don't care anymore.  I am so sick of this. 

Every part of my life is complicated or painful right now.


Mom of Opiate Addict said...

When my son had to do 4 months in jail I was so sad but also relieved. Relieved that he would be somewhat safer and that any drugs he might be able to get in jail would be much less than on the street. I was able to sleep at night knowing he had a bed and food and that my phone probably wouldn't be ringing with my son asking for some kind of help, or it wouldn't be the hospital calling because he had OD'd for the 4th time. Also, I work for the court system, so you can imagine how mortified I was that all my co-workers and the judges knew what was happening with my son, and how they must have thought I was such a bad mom(I am over that now). I know this hurts and it too shall pass. He will be o.k., please take care of you now.

Sue said...

Wow. That's good and bad. How hard it must be for you and Mom above to go through what you go through. I agree; he is 18 years old and doing stupid things like we all do at that age, I guess. Geez Louise, the consequences of things just don't mean much at that age, do they? Then you sit at a higher altitude further up the path and look at kids doing crazy stuff and it's a freakfest. But everyone gets to follow that path, I guess.

I'm sorry you're in so much pain, B. I really hope your back has settled down now (like I said on WFIO).

drewzepmeister said...


Barbara(aka Layla) said...

Thanks Mom of OA, I appreciate that you've been in my shoes. I do see the positives that you've mentioned. I know this is the result of his own doing and hopefully, HOPEFULLY, he will learn from it. He did say to me today:

"I realized I wasted the my entire 18th year of life with hospitals, rehabs and jail".

Barbara(aka Layla) said...

Suzer, My back is feeling better tonight! Drugs are a good thing when you use them the right way for the right reasons :)

Thanks for caring about us.

Barbara(aka Layla) said...

Drew, I love you. You are my greatest comfort through all this. I just wish that you could meet him when you are here :(

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