I talked to Keven today and me actually made me laugh. I called the payphone and asked for him, when he came on he used a fake voice and said "Keven is no longer here....." and for a split second I wondered if it was him or not. But, this is one of his favorite games since childhood - trying to disguise his voice and say something outrageous to get to Mom. I could see him smiling (in my mind's eye). Finally I said. "KEVEN! I know this is you!!!" and he laughed. I laughed too.
What a much better conversation than yesterday. He seemed much more settled and compliant and nice. He told me they put him on Risperdal yesterday because he was acting psychotic. Wow - its been two years since he's been on that med. Maybe he needs it?
I am not convinced that he has bi-polar or schizo-affective disorder, but he's been diagnosed with either/or. I'm not going to worry about it. He's doing better today. I got to laugh with him. Things are much better. One day at a time.
Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara
Those are Andrew's exact diagnosis. The symptoms can vary so greatly, it is hard to tell what is really going on. I've had to distance myself from it. I hope you can too.
Take care of yourself.
Glad you got to share a laugh. =)
Take care of you.
Well any laughter right now is good. Blake is going in next week for an assessment and I am nervous about what they will say. What a tough road we travel.
It's also the same diagnosis and treatment as Gledwood. Has to be something to do with self medicating with gear then stopping. I'm pleased that today was better for you. Maybe a little detachment helped. A laugh always helps :-)
Late Sunday night - just sent you an email - omgosh :)
p.s. love your new blog look and love the new name!
Laughing is good medicine!
My son is on Thorazine. I hope to meet with his case worker today.
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