September 27, 2010

Finally Getting Caught Up

I have been visiting blogs and just got done crying (tears of joy) at a few wonderful examples of positive changes that have happened in the last 6 months for some of your children.

"Children" is an interesting term.  It makes you think of a child, a young person, but we use the same word to describe adult children.  It sounds weird to hear my own mother say she has three children.

Anyhow....I am rejoicing with some of you right now.  Others are still in the trenches where I seem to be.  I am letting consequences occur and have a funny feeling the judge is going to be angry at Keven tomorrow.

Did I mention he swallowed a bunch of drugs (his leftover heroin and cocaine) before court last Tuesday because he knew he was going to jail?  He was HIGH in court and doesn't remember the judge telling him certain things.  I had NO IDEA he was high.  He didn't look or act it.  In fact he was articulate and polite as he sat there cuffed to the chair.

So....I know he didn't do one of the things she required and won't be surprised if he gets another night in jail.  Oh well.  It seems to be his home away from home lately.

Hope we all have a good week.

Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara


Peggy said...

5 days is 5 days. Every day counts, and is important. Keven will be ready to recover when he decides to. You have no control. He does know how much you love him and that you want him to be happy and healthy. HIS desire for the same will be the key. Hang in there. Thinking of you.

Syd said...

I find that people make a decision when life becomes desperate and painful enough. Some make the decision to get well and stop drugging and drinking. Others simply give up. But nothing happens as long as there are no consequences and someone is there to do for the person what they need to do for themselves. Just what I have observed and heard.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Wow...just wow...

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