September 17, 2010

Update on the Documentary....

Ken Seeley contacted me today and personally asked me if Keven would be willing to be the subject of a case study. He said it would be filmed but would not be used for the TV show, but they may ask him later to be on the show. Kev's therapist thinks he is such a unique combination of "issues" that he would be the perfect candidate for them to study and learn from.

And what do we get out of it? TREATMENT FOR KEVEN at no cost to us and AN EXPERT in the field of addiction digging in to my son's life to HELP him. That seems too good to be true, but its also very scary.

The only catch is, if you can call it a "catch", is that Keven has to be 100% honest with them. They want to start filming ME in our home on Tuesday. TUESDAY! This is happening FAST and I am a bit stressed. Its not like one of those things where they follow us around with a camera, its more like an interview....but ongoing for several weeks or months I think...

Keven already told me he doesn't want to go to "go away" to any rehab (and I can't force him).

If he is not going to agree to go the treatment they are offering, then why would we bother to do this? Unless it was to help them, which of course I want to do but not at the expense of our own well being.

I hate this. I should be excited about it but it is not sitting right for me for some reason. Maybe because I doubt Keven will be 100% honest.

Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara

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