October 30, 2009

Missing Spoons - and other signs your child may be using heroin

Spoons that have been burned
Pens, straws or any type of tube used for smoking
soda cans cut off at the bottom
tin foil cut in small squares with a black line on it
lighters (for a non-smoker)
empty balloons

Sleeping a lot
Grades suffering
Sick often
Poor Hygeine

Stealing money
Selling valuables from the house
Receiving valuables from others

Lots and lots of phone calls with coming and goings

Stories about why they need a few extra dollars to spend

All pretty obvious signs but if you don't KNOW your kid is on drugs, you may not know what to look for.


Fractalmom said...

ahhh. don't forget, broken corners of screens on bedroom windows!! so they can either sneak out at night to get their fix, or have it delivered right to their bedroom by their dealer!

Dad and Mom said...

Belts pulled through the buckle to the size of an arm or leg.

Syringes, and they are not diabetic.

Little bitty empty plastic bags.

Candles in their room.

Barbara(aka Layla) said...

Fractalmom, we have a two story house so never dealt with that one! But he did steal our cars until we started sleeping with our keys (if you can call it "sleeping")

Dad, seeing belts, or shoestrings out of shoes bothers me so much. Yes, the syringes is a big clue. We have a diabetic dog, he'd steal hers.
My son didn't use candles but it makes more sense to use one....

Mom of Opiate Addict said...

Always in the bathroom with the water running. My son's nose runs when he goes through withdrawl and severe mood swings. Lack of concern for anyone other than themselves, lack of interest in all things they used to be into.

Syd said...

Such a sad list of things that make up daily living for those who are addicted.

Debby of Oxycontin and Opiate Addiction: A Mother's Story said...

Ah, the foil with black stripes. I'd find them inside magazines, books. I'd find them in the washing machine, in his shoes. They are sickening. How about the black smudges on door frames? My son says that comes from freebasing the heroin... it gets stuck on the hands.

Yellowish stains on t-shirts-- they come from rubbing off the time-release coating on oxycontin, so it can be chopped and snorted.

Parents need to know these things.
Thanks for doing this.

Barbara(aka Layla) said...

Mom of OA, good one! Yep my son would hang out in the bathroom a lot too. Also vomiting for no apparent reason.

Syd, it is. All things that are so easy to get your hands on (except maybe the needles...)

Debby, yes I would find them in books and mags too. I found a smudge of black tar heroin in my CAR recently. :( I guess its been there for months but I found it when I lifted a compartment I normally don't look in.

Tall Kay said...

This is such a good service you are doing for other parents. I would have had no idea. How sad and scary to find all this stuff in your childs room.

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