She said "I tried analyzing..what does he mean by THAT..? Not everything my son says makes sense. Sometimes he just "talks" to hear himself talk. Sorting out his thoughts, I guess."

I have tried to break him of this habit, but he still does it. Just the other day he called from PH and said "mom, I got busted they're kicking me out". My response was a very calm "you did not".
Of course there is a part of me holding my breath waiting to hear him laugh because there was the time when I was standing in line to board a plane and he called and said "I got arrested again" and I said "you did not" because I KNEW he was in court that day. Well he did get arrested....ugh.
He has a very charming, charismatic personality and part of that includes a lot of TALK that I need to remind myself is nothing more than him thinking out loud or playing the "watch mom get all upset and then I say "not really!" game - which I hope he outgrows soon.
Song of the day:
Peace, Hope and Love,
P.S. Have you ever noticed that goat's pupils are slanted, not round like most animals? What's that all about?
Has Andrew ever considered going into sales of some sort, K thinks he'd be the perfect salesman cause he could sell "sell snow to an eskimo", which is fine as long as he doesn't sell anything illegal!
Barbara, this blog is amazing. What a transformation. It is filled with hope and life. It's so nice to follow bloggers and watch things change. In reference to the goat, from a distance they're cuter than up close based on the picture.
Been away for the holiday and just cathing up, but the selling snow to the eskimos and getting my goat, yep that is all Zach.
It seems to be a common personality trait! I'd like to do a study on that someday....Happy Belated Thanksgiving
Michael, that's a brilliant insight. I never really saw it this way but this is RIGHT ON. This is why I try my hardest to remain aloof and say something like "oh really?" or "right, sure, uh huh". Of course there are times I don't and sure enough if I get mad, he gets mad.
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