April 20, 2010

He's Speaking Tonight

Well, in spite of his inner turmoil and confusion, Keven kept his "speaking engagement" and is talking to a group of teens about drug abuse.  This is the second time he's done that.  Last time was in front of a meeting at a rehab, this is a bit different - its for a drug diversion program for youth that's been arrested with first time drug offenses.  Lets hope he gets through to them - but realistically, he's been to them himself and it didn't stop him from using more and more and more.

He saw his psychiatrist today, I have no idea what was said but he seems less angry today.  I talked to his dr. this morning and TOLD him things even though he could not tell me jack (HIPPA).  At least he knows what's really going on.  I don't know if Kev would offer the info or not, but I feel better knowing the dr. knows.

Thanks for caring.

Peace, Hope and Love,


Anna said...

That is a good sign.

Peggy said...

Barbara - Keven talking to teens about drug addiction sounds encouraging. It's got to be a therapeutic exercise, as well as an important part of the recovery process. Reading this makes me hopeful - and smile. I'd love to be a "fly-on-the-wall", and hear what he had to say. When I heard David and son, Nic Sheff, speak ("Beautiful Boy")it was interesting to see how 'kids' express themselves regarding sensitive topics.
Also - I think it's a great idea to offer a therapist info that might not necessarily get passed on through the patient. When I talked to the ER social worker yesterday about Hayley, he was able to put some important info in to her chart. This saves time and, ultimately, money in the treatment process. I do understand that the care provider cannot share any info. Trust is the biggest issue in a patient/doctor/therapist relationship.
Thanks for your constant support and wise, encouraging words.
You've got a big fan club out there, and I'm president of the club! Peggy

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Good luck to K

Heather's Mom said...

Can't wait to hear how he thought it went. So awesome K is doing that!
God bless.

Syd said...

Glad that Keven is reaching out to talk to others. That is great service and doing work with others, speaking about his addiction, is a positive thing.

Bristolvol said...

It is a therapeutic thing what he is doing. He is forced to think how negatively drug use affects lifes and then talk about it to teenagers. It is very encouraging that he is willing to that inspite of his low mood right now. I hope it will give him a feeling of accomplishment.

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