December 14, 2009

Happy (?) Birthday, Ant

He called :)
I sang him happy birthday - I can imagine him standing there blushing holding the phone.  We had a really good long talk and he shared a lot of things that have been going on in his mind.  I sensed his fear about the future but I think its good that he's nervous about the possibility of using rather than cocky about the fact that "he'll never use again".  He talked about his mom, I think it was only the second time he's brought her up to me.  We talked about how good it will be for him and K to have serious discussions while clean about all they are learning in recovery.  He told me he has to move when he gets out cause he can't be in this area any more.  I agreed, that's a very wise choice.  It was a good call.

For the second year in a row, Ant will be spending his birthday behind bars.

This year is different because:
- he has a girlfriend who loves him
- he is more determined than ever to stay clean
- he's getting a second, third, fourth....well I lose track, but he's getting ANOTHER chance at rehab/recovery
- he's got an "adopted mom" who cares about him and is saying things to him that his mom would hopefully say if she was still alive

I'm very emotional this evening.  I hope he calls tomorrow so I can wish him a happy birthday.

Isn't he cute?  He looks younger than my K, such a baby face.  Also has a huge heart.  He's a talented artist.  He wants a good life, a "normal" life, but has never experienced that, so he has to start from scratch, with literally nothing but some clothes and a tattoo kit,  and build it for himself. He has a son that needs a dad.  I know he can do it.  I want him to for him (and also because K's chances are better too if Ant can stay clean).  I love this kid. 

He's had a very, very tough life, but he still smiles. 

Peace, Hope and Love,


Addiction--Mom trying to Detach with Love said...

He is as blessed to have you in his life as you are to have him. I hope he decides to travel a new path.

Syd said...

I hope that he does have a good life and that your support and love for him will be encouraging. You're a good person Barbara.

Kansas Bob said...

He has your love and life's opportunities.. what more could he need.. it is more than many have. I hope that he will awaken and be thankful.

Elizabeth Ann said... very very young.. and adorable. (HUGS TO HIM)

Barbara said...

Thanks to each of you for your comments. I was so glad he called tonight. He's a special person.

Heather's Mom said...

What a touching post :) It's obvious the special bond the two of you have. At least wherever he moves he will still have you!

Barbara said...

Heather;s Mom, yep, he's stuck with me if he likes it or not :)

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