December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I got to visit K tonight at PH.  It was really nice and he seemed to be doing so much better than yesterday.

As I sat with my son, I thought of many of you and your families, knowing that not everyone is as fortunate as I am - to get to hug my son, know exactly where he is, knowing that he's not only safe, but in a therapeutic community that is obviously helping him.  I am so grateful.

I thought of ...
Alex and Andrew home for the holidays, clean and sober
Bryan in rehab and DD1 in sober living
Landon's Mom in jail
Ryan, B, H, J, Kelly, Chai's son and ... all in different stages of recovery. (i hope i did not forget anyone....let me know if i did)

I feel hopeful.  Its the only thing we all have the same amount of at the same time:  Hope.  Our kids may be up or down right now, but there is always hope that they will stay well or get better.

Hope all of you have a peaceful holiday.



Lou said...

I have been humbled, and found compassion and love I never knew possible because of the addiction. In the end, the journey has made all of our family better people. But mostly I have learned to live each day and let go of what tomorrow may bring. Instead of thinking "oh no, this will be a lifelong struggle for my son," I think "what beautiful, smiling eyes he has today."

Say Merry Christmas to K from your blogger friends. I do that to Andrew and it always freaks him out;)

Elizabeth Ann said...

Merriest Christmas Barbara.. hugs to Keven.. (hugs)

Barbara said...

Lou, I know what you mean, there is good to be found even in the midst of it. I think I've changed for the positive because of Keven's addiction.

LOL about telling him hello from all of you...that would totally freak him out too, I love it!

Ms. Hen! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Kansas Bob said...

Sounds like a happy Christmas eve for sure.. sometimes we are the best gifts for each other.

Michael said...

May the Peace that surpasses all understanding be yours today. Know that God loves you, has a plan for your life, and surrounds you with friends. Peace, love and healing to K

meleah rebeccah said...

Oh! Good! I am soooo happy you were able to see your son.


♥ Wishing You a Merry Christmas! ♥

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