March 2, 2010

Thinking of all of you....

Well, I'm off to Santa Ana.  I will sit in Starbucks and use my laptop while Keven is at a meeting in Phoenix House.  I seriously think my car knows the way there by itself and really don't think I should have to go.  But I will. 

Hope to read blogs tonight.  I left a comment on one today and now feel stupid about it.

Oh well.  LOL.  I never have been good at thinking before I speak.

I am going to post something funny I found but I just ran out of time...will get to it in a bit.

Peace, Hope and Love,


Heather's Mom said...

You did post something funny! I got a laugh about your car being able to go on it's own :) I needed that!

I'm sure the comment you're worried about was appreciated - you never know how God is working or who you touched with the comment.

Enjoy Starbucks! Hope you picked a tasty flavor with whipped cream on top!

God bless.

Barbara said...

Heather's Mom, you better believe it! Java Chip, grande. YUM.

Barbara said...

Her Big Sad, THAT WOULD BE SO FUN!!! I will be there every Tues. night (off Grand in Santa Ana) for many months to come - or until Keven gets his license.

I'll meet you halfway any day!!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Hope all went well!

Barbara said...

Dad, good thing I swallowed the sip of coffee I took right before I read this...I laughed out loud. Darn it, now you know our secret plan......

Barbara said...

Bond, it was great. I complain about having to drive Keven around so much, but the truth is, we've had some incredible talks lately and I love getting to know his new friends he met in rehab.

Barbara said...

Can you imagine the havoc ALL OF US would cause together at one Starbucks! We'd take over the place :)

I am excited at the thought of meeting you!

SilverNeurotic said...

I guess the plus side of having to drive Keven around is you have a laptop so you stay somewhat entertained while waiting for him.

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