January 10, 2010

Expert Advice on Heroin OD?

I want to get this out there in hopes that one of you can give me some concrete answers.  Up until a few hours ago the "how" of Anthony's OD was secondary to me, now that he seems stable I am searching for the truth.

I heard two stories of what happened that night.  I am trying to take my personal feelings and emotional attachments out of this and state the facts only:

Story one:  Ant and his gf Kay were together for two hours Friday night.  She brought him back to Lighthouse (sober living home he's been at for ten days) and his final words were "I'll call you in 20 minutes to say goodnight".  He never called.  She got worried.  A few hours later she gets a call from Lighthouse saying Ant had been rushed to the hospital after they found him unconscious on the bathroom floor.

Facts:  Someone did find him (or was with him) and put him in the tub filled with ice believing that's what you do for a heroin OD.  911 was called and I am unclear if he received CPR while waiting for them to arrive.

Story two:  Kay drops off Ant at sober living and someone notices he is "high".  A while later they find him passed out on the floor of the bathroom, try to revive him by putting him in the tub and calling 911.

So you can see the conflict.  If story one is true, Anthony was not high when Kay dropped him off, he was offered drugs when he got there.  According to Lighthouse all the residents were tested after he incident and they all came up clean but they did admit to me that they do sometimes allow someone that tests dirty a second chance.

If story two is true, it means that Ant was using with Kay.  It means that he did not OD on the first use that night, that she did not OD, but that when he came in the house he must have had more and OD's on that.  Is that possible that he did some with Kay then came home and did more and the second time he OD'd?

So Someone is not telling the truth.  I see Kay several times a week and she is very into her program and sobriety, LOVES NA and even goes to their events.  But she's been away from Ant all this time, no one to use with....He's back and maybe they used together.

I want to believe Kay.  I know there are drugs at Lighthouse.  Ant told me his first night there some guy tied a bandanna around his arm and said "let me hit ya up" but he didn't.

I guess it was a matter of time.  Or did he talk to her and they decided if one was going down the other would to?  I don't want to believe this but addicts do lie to hide their using.

Does anyone see something here that is blatantly obvious that I may be missing?  I am going to write the Sober Living House to express my concern that they have misinformation about how to treat a heroin OD that could potentially be life threatening,  The doctors were appalled by this - they tried to tell me it must have been a suicide attemtp and I said NO WAY, not this kid.  They didn't understand why they put him on ice.

Peace, Hope and Love,


Rahime said...

I wouldn't know who to believe, but chances are both are lying to cover their butts.

I am shocked though that the people in a SOBER LIVING house don't know how to deal with an heroin OD...or at least don't know not to put him on ice. Gee, he doesn't look like he's breathing, I think I'll try slowing his heart rate some more. ;(

I'm praying that he'll be ok, and so happy Keven responded so maturely.

Anonymous :) said...

Barbara, I will pray for you and your sons. I hope this is a bottom for Anthony. It's a window into what will happen over and over again unless he finds a new way. In that lifestyle, everybody lies. There's no getting to the truth-except that Anthony does drugs and will put his own life, Kay's life, and everyone around him at the Sober Living facility at risk.

Sherry said...

I have been following what's going on with Anthony and feel much relief that he is doing better. I'm still praying!

Dad and Mom said...

I wouldn't spend much time on this. I am glad Ant is getting better, I have been following you all week hoping for the best.

The bigger issue is how do we go forward from here? How much ongoing medical treatment is required and is Ant in any shape to make sure he foolows the treatment orders? These are the things I have concern about for you. You have your plate full with 2 addicts and obviously you know that one of them is maintaining an active addiction lifestyle. Barbara, you cannot do this alone. I hope you are able to get help from someone.

Erin said...

Hey hon, just love and hugs. I'm praying some good will come of all of this.

Her Big Sad said...

I have wondered why sober homes do not have something like this available:


If link does not work, it is a drug called Naloxone, and I've heard it can be obtained in epi-pen type dispensers that can be kept in first aid boxes, etc.

That said, I will also mention that I have not heard of one sober home in all of OC where there have not been people using. It just is a fact of life. But as in any circumstance, at a sober home, or in a breakroom on a job, or at a party, our addicts must make a choice. Where that choice presents itself is not the issue.... I know that sounds harsh Barbara, but it is just my history with my daughter talking. She's not been in a sober home yet (in 10 years there have been dozens) that did not have someone using and drugs available. Sober homes "work if you work it", just like program, but if you aren't really "done" - you will use while you are there. Sorry for the ramble...

I'm still praying!! Take care of you in some special way today, please!? Hugs to you!

Syd said...

Barbara, I think that no matter where if someone decides to get high, they will find a way. I hope that there will be some kind of emergency procedure in place so that if this happens in the future, someone will know what to do. And be drilled on how to save a life.

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