July 8, 2010

Three Day Stay at the Hotel OCJ !

Keven will be enjoying the next three days, meals included, in the luxurious OC Jail.

He'll be supplied with a cute gold jumpsuit, gray (formerly white) socks and orange shoes, all of which are monogrammed "OCJ" in black Sharpie.

During the day there will time for socializing and communing with others - sharing stories and toilets - a bonding experience.

Meals are served in a large dining room and prepared by experienced cooks.

There's a lovely view - if you like looking at other men in cages wearing gold jumpsuits.

There will be multi-cultural experiences learning about various gangs groups. He will be able to brush up on his Spanish and ASL (American Sign Language). He is sure to be a minority among his peers as well as one of the youngest guests there, which can prove to be intimidating interesting.

One hour a day is spent outside in the glorious fresh air, on top of a ten story building that has a lovely view of several gray concrete buildings.

The best part of this three day get-away is the time provided for reflection and meditation.

I wish him the best and hope that he returns refreshed and motivated with a new outlook on life.

In seriousness - I DO think this is positive. The court he is involved with is called "Opportunity Court" and they strive to help people - not just punish them. Keven deserved this and is lucky to be part of such an excellent program. If you've read here for long you've probably seen my posts bragging about all the positive things the judge has said about Keven in the past. Now he has disappointed her AND pissed her off, but she still wants what's best for him, that's why she let him out yesterday to attend a class!


Syd said...

I hope that you have a good weekend regardless of what Keven is doing on his "getaway".

Barbara said...

Syd, I plan to. I hope you do too!

Bristolvol said...

Keven is a lucky young man to have so many people care so deeply about him. I hope that he comes to appreciate this one day. In the meantime, have a very relaxing weekend and plan in some "me" time!
Be good to yourself. You deserve it.
Hugs, love and hope,

Her Big Sad said...

Heh heh. my daughter was one of those "experienced cooks!" Normally when I visited, she was wearing a slimming shade of navy, with lovely fireman tape labels with Sharpie OCJ on them. But once I came and they yanked her from kitchen duty for our visit. She was wearing a huge, used-to-be-white jumpsuit with protective apron, gloves, mask, and I swear, I thought I was visiting with the Pillsbury Dough Boy. And this was all so she could make thousands of sandwiches using mystery balogna. She lost a fair amount of weight there!

ENJOY THIS WEEKEND!! Love, hugs and prayers!!

LisaC said...

Your honesty, your "humor" (I prefer to think humor than synicism), your wisdom; and through all of this, your continued hope is wonderful. While Keven is "out of town" (that's how my niece referred to program and/or jail time...she just passed 22 months clean) relax and take care of yourself. I know you are exhausted.

You remain in my thoughts and my prayers; and you continue to set the bar high for all of us to follow! Thank you for what you give us/me in terms of your love and caring.

Em said...

God has a plan, this weekend is part of it I'm sure...for both of you.

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