May 25, 2010

Cop Magnet

My son is a cop magnet.

It doesn't matter what car he's in, what city he's in, if he's minding his own business or acting suspicious.  He attracts cops.

Today he was in the next city over, Irvine.  One of the "top ten safest cities in the USA".

To  be honest, it gets a bit annoying at times.  Today he was going to teach his girlfriend how to drive a stick shift.  They were on their way to a parking lot that is empty this time of year (Wild Rivers) but got pulled over before they even got there.

The cop said Keven was high when he found his meds in the car... prescribed legal meds!  He threatened to take him in and tow the car and violate his probation.  He called other cops to the scene.  The other cops said "this kid is not high and is not breaking the law."  But the original cop had to be "right" so he said "if you have someone come drive this car I won't arrest you".

Keven called me, I drove his car, his gf drove my car.

I want the cops to pull him over if he's doing something wrong but this kind of thing just feeds his dislike and distrust (that's putting it nicely) of law enforcement.  He was not doing anything wrong....if he was, you KNOW he'd be in jail right now.  There's not enough crime around here to keep them busy so they harass young people.

Ironically, Keven speaks tonight at the Irvine Police Department to a group of teens in their drug diversion program.  Maybe he'll run into the guy that pulled him over today.

Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara


Annette said...

The crazy PMS, vengeful, I told you so, side of me would absolutely LOVE for K to run into that cop tonight. Yeah!

The more healthy side hopes that weather he runs into him or not, K can be at peace within himself knowing that he was doing nothing wrong and that he is doing just fine.

But I am hoping my PMS side wins this one. Just this once. :o)

Walkingborder (Karen) said...

I'm so sorry this happened to Keven. Poor guy can't catch a break. A few bad decisions are going to follow him his entire life.

Kansas Bob said...

These guys give cops a bad name.

Anna said...

I have three kids under 25. All three of them get pulled over frequently. None of them, including Beth has ever been arrested or even fined as a result of this getting pulled over.

I think that because they are young the assumption is that they might be doing something wrong. I have not been pulled over in years but when I was a sweet young thing, I used to get pulled over several times a year. Soooo, it might just be a youth thing instead of a terrible luck thing.

I posted Beth's meds on my blog for you.

Tom at Recovery Helpdesk said...

Disheartening but not surprising.

What scares me when this kind of thing happens to my clients is that these interactions with police can end up with arrest even when the person was doing nothing wrong in the first place...especially if the person pulled over has mental health issues, anger issues, impulse control issues, and a history of bad experiences with the police.

I've seen a lot of police officers who handle themselves well, but others who antagonize, bait and escalate until something arrestable occurs.

People have even ended up shot and killed this way. There was a very sad case a few years ago of a mentally ill man killed by police in a church in front of members of the congregation who had already deescalated the man and were consoling him when police arrived (Robert Woodward).

This isn't harmless stuff.

Sounds like this cop did not handle things well, but thankfully Keven did, as did the back up officers.

What was the excuse for pulling him over?

Barbara said...

Annette - hee hee. I like your PMS mood :)

Walking B, I guess the GOOD thing is he handled it so well!

K Bob, they do. I seriously think they are bored around here. Not much happens as far as real crime.

Anna, you're probably right. I hate to admit that many times when I was pulled over as a youth I DESERVED to be arrested but never was. I always got the "what's a nice girl like you doing driving around drunk...go home and behave". It makes me mad now - I should have been arrested one of those times.

Tom, that is a harrowing story! I can't even think about it. You know what, I don't even know what the excuse was...I need to ask him. I believe he said they thought he was driving under the influence but why?

A Mom' Serious Blunder said...

I soooooooooooo hope he runs into the jerky cop. This guy needs to see that there are kids out there trying to change their lives and do the right thing.

Addiction--Mom trying to Detach with Love said...

I totally hope he not only runs into him, but that he is actually present when K speaks. What would be the icing on the cake would be K sharing this incident and embarassing the hell of that profiling cop. I can totally relate to this situation as in a small town, the cops set their sights on certain people and focus on them. I know this is probably not the healthiest response, but it is how I feel right now. I am so happy Keven handled this situation so well. (((HUGS)))

beachteacher said...

oh boy....I can relate to this too !...and I can't claim PMS like Annette,but I feel the same way! Ugh...there are some arrogant asshole cops(sorry but true) that really do slant feelings against all of them for some of us. I never had felt that way, but because of multiple unfortunate run ins with police due to my son's bad choices,...I now feel differently. I respect laws and think they should be followed,..but the antagonizing of young people by some cops, and assumption of guilt and then plain out lying by cops to manipulate people(even those not suspected of anything) has resulted in my distrust. :( I am SO happy that this didn't end badly for Keven and oh yes, I wish he would run into the same cop when he goes to speak.

justLacey said...

I don't know what to say. You try and teach your children to respect law enforcement and law enforcement isn't always worthy of it. Bob is right that a few give the rest a bad name.

Syd said...

I am glad that Keven conducted himself well. It is hard sometimes to maintain calm and to not feel resentment when one is misjudged. But the mature side of me knows that I did nothing wrong and can just let it go. I'm glad that Keven was able to do that. Not everyone in life is going to approve, like or even respect me. I can still be okay whether they do or not. Good luck with Keven's talk.

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