June 9, 2010

Dad on Fire

I have a ton of respect and appreciation for Bill Ford of Dad on Fire.  He knows addiction from all angles.  He is a recovered addict, he is a parent to addicts.  Bill is also a strong voice for change in drug policy and  educating people about addiction.

He is featured in Intervene, please stop by and check it out.

Each and every one of you is in my thoughts and prayers every single day.

I miss Lou from Subdural Flow :(

Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara


Kristi (http://heartspeak-urmyheart.blogspot.com/) said...

Thanks Barbara!! I started following Dad On Fire not long after I found this community of bloggers. At your suggestion I just went and read what he wrote on Intervene…very good!! Thanks for suggesting it!! Also, it’s so encouraging to find people like Bill who are recovering addicts that have beat the odds…It’s evidence that it CAN HAPPEN!! We just have to hold tight to hope, never give up and keep those prayers going!! If our kids aren’t worth this fight, then I ask, who is??

Syd said...

I have been wondering how Lou's Andrew is doing. I hope well. I miss her blogging too.

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