February 4, 2011

Another drug overdose from the crowd of users he knows....

This graph was from FOUR years ago...its only getting worse every day.

It makes me sick hearing stories like this over and over and being reminded that HEROIN HAS TO BE STOPPED. Why is it so available? Why do kids try it knowing what its done to their friends? Why doesn't our government do anything to keep it out of this country since 100% of it is imported. I guess saving thousands of lives is low on their priority list....but if you took every heroin overdose of the last year alone and put them in a hostage situation....our government would be all over it. They'd do something to save all those young lives. You know they would. But because they die one by one and because they chose to walk into the arms of their enemy, the abomination of heroin importation is ignored. As long as its available, new addicts will be born every day.

As I read about this young man's body being dumped, my mind played out the scene of what probably happened:

Some friends drove to Santa Ana to score their dope. They went to one of the scumbag hotels in Costa Mesa to use. Justin OD'd and they panicked. They may have tried CPR, but may have been too high or not known how. None of them wanted to get busted so instead of calling 911, they drove him to a high school that was next to a fire station, then drove to a nearby pay phone to make an anonymous call for help knowing that the Fire Dept. would arrive within seconds of their call.

Unfortunately Justin was already dead. They may have known this or maybe they had hope that there was till enough life in him to be saved. Either way its very sad.

Keven saved his friend's life by calling 911 and giving Jon CPR until they arrived. I am not saying that to brag, just saying that in situations like this the risk of going to jail yourself could save a life. Keven was sure they'd arrest him since he was on probation, but the cop he talked to let it go.

Here is the story I am referring to:

Police ID body found at Costa Mesa high school

Peace, Hope and Love,Barbara


Annette said...

That is sad. Too sad for words. Shit. Everywhere I turn these days is sadness. I am sad for the friends too. They got themselves in too deep and now they have to live with a heavy burden of what they did.

Lori said...

Another wasted life. My heart breaks for that family.

Dad and Mom said...

I've said it over and over. The real terrorists in this country are not the ones that happen to have a different religion than most of the people. The real terrorists are the people peddling these poisons to our citizens.

The lack of action by our nations leaders in addressing this issue is leading me to believe they are complicit in the drug trade.

Dad and Mom said...

Making my point. Using data from your graph that equals over 27,000 people died in 2007 from drug overdoses.

What would the reaction of our nation be if a terrosit attack resulted in 27,000 deaths?

I'm not trying to minimize what happened in New York, D.C. and PA. but look at what happened when only 3000 people died on 9/11/01. We invaded 2 countries, changed national procedures in the US concering anyone flying and traveling to the point if you want to fly you are subject to a virtual strip search or being felt up to the point any high school teeage boy wishes he could get that far on Friday night. Created secret no-fly lists. Locked up hundreds of supected terrorists worldwide using nothing more than the power of the state. Tapped phone lines without warrants. Issued presidential assasination hit lists. And we are still maintaining this posture worldwide and it occured one time almost 10 years ago.

The terrorists peddling poison are killing 9 times as many people as muslim extremeists did 10 years ago with one exception. THEY ARE DOING IT EVERY YEAR!!!

Bristolvol said...

Sorry, Barbara for your pain. I agree with Ron to a certain extent. Noone forces people to use drugs. If drug peddlers had no takers, overdoses, broken families and busted careers, shattered hopes and dreams would not be on the daily agenda. However, we do not live in a perfect world. I don't have the answers. I wish I did, I could get my girl back.

Syd said...

I somehow think that if it weren't heroin, it would be some other drug. People would find a new drug, a different drug. Anything to dull the pain of their lives.

Bar L. said...

Syd, the difference is that heroin is physically addicting. The only other drug that is physically addicting is alcohol, so that makes them equally dangerous. Alcoholics can drive down to the store and pick up booze any time they need/want it, a heroin user has to risk jail every time he needs/wants.

It truly is a NEED, not a want because, as you probably know, you get sick if you don't have it. You can't function without it. That's why its so important to carefully detox of these two drugs.

Anyhow, just wanted to clarify that.

JeannetteLS said...

They don't keep statistics for deaths from cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism I don't think... But I think the agony of watching your child in the grips of addictions, watching them be consumed by that--it is indescribable and I SO admire what you are doing here. It's appalling how easy it is to get alcohol, heroine, crack, and the new drugs that are physically addicting. Watched my mom and brother die of liver failure from alcohol.

I watched my daughter die from bulemia and alcoholism... watched the train come after her and take her and we all fight with everything in us to help her take the steps to stop... and she could not. A binge, purge, and pint of vodkha. And her heroine-addicted boyfriend found her.

Enough about me. Speaking and writing to help others? YOU are wonderful and that is that. God help you, Keven, and others in all of this.

And yet we recover--the losses haunt at times, but we recover. And some of those who have addictions do as well. Thanks to people who love, a strength within them, help from without. Thank you for this blog.

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