September 22, 2011

Surgery Went Well

This is Keven's leg when he was 8 years old.  He broke his leg in three places and had this lovely external fixator for three months, then casts for another month or so.  It was a long recovery with wheelchairs, walkers and crutches since he could not put any weight on that leg for four months.  As you can imagine, for an 8 year old that was tough for him, and for me!

All went well yesterday.  Dr. Marandola (same doc that did the above) is an excellent surgeon.  He had to put three pins in his finger and it also has the finger version of an external fixator - he has the pin sticking out the end of his finger with this little anchor thing on it and that part of the finger is exposed through a little hole in the bandages so he can make sure his finger is not turning blue.

Emotionally, now the challenge begins.  Challenges for me include realizing that he is capable (physically) of taking care of himself and he has help with the things he can't do (wrapping it up good for showers, it can't get wet!).  Also I need to let go of the fears of relapse.  If it happens I can deal with it then.  I can't let fear control my thoughts.

Also, the surgery was $800 (our portion after insurance) but that does not include the anesthesiologist, the use of the facility and who knows what else.

Excuse me while I get on my soapbox for a moment:

You know all this talk in the news lately about how some GOP's were recorded saying they rather have uninsured people die than use their taxes to provide them health care?  It saddens me more than it angers me.  Keven has excellent insurance (thanks to his bio "dad") and its still difficult for some of us to pay for the medical care we need.  They actually cheered when they heard a story of a man dying because he could not afford dental care and the resulting infection killed him.  I am not dissing Republicans - just stunned that any human being actually feels that way.  I guess I've always known that mentality existed, but to admit it in public!  Bottom line - not everyone who can not afford insurance is playing the system to get free care.  These days it includes many hard working Americans who no longer get benefits and don't make enough to afford the outrageous cost of private insurance!!!  Employers these days don't always offer benefits that used to be a given at most companies.  Either they can't afford it either, or they know people will take jobs without it because they are so desperate for work.  I work part-time so its not available to me and I pay $333.11 for Cobra which will run out in March.  I have no idea what I will do after that.

Off soapbox.

Peace, Hope and Love, Barbara


Dawn said...

My daughter lost her job in April and could not afford the cobra so did not get it. ($760 a month for her and her daughter - with a $1500deductible) In May her daughter fell at the park and broke her arm - double compound fracture which required surgery and 4 nights in the hospital. The bill was over $40,000. She did apply for assistance for her and it looks like she'll get it. Not yet sure how much she will end up paying. They wanted the cast to come off and have her in a brace but, the ortho place wanted $1500 up front for the brace. She had another cast put back on instead. Medical costs are crazy and too often people are forced to choose if they eat or get the medical care they need. It's just not right!

Dawn said...

I'm glad Keven's surgery went well - Wishing him a speedy recovery! I know what you mean, as mom's we tend to worry but, like you said don't worry about what you can't control! He'll get thru this. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

beachteacher said...

glad to hear it went well, at least just try to keep your worry to the one day at a time plan,..that helps me, in general. I certainly can't say that I don't worry...just in smaller segments and really really try not to project out into the future.
And're so so right about the sorry state of affairs regarding insurance and health care. :(

Iris Flavia said...

Wishing a speedy and complete recovery, too!
Health insurance... everybody has it over here, automatically, by law - I wouldn´t know what to do without it.
We have many extras to pay, too - but no one has to live in fear like you over there. One big minus in your place, so sorry.

Sure... everything has two sides. Many, many play on the system, it´s a shame and a pain for those who drag their butts outta bed and head for work each morning.
The Hartz-concept is such a weird thing as well and I have to say... Germany should learn a lot from the US here.
But the health system... actually I´m very, very glad about ours...
Had to say that.

Tori said...

I am so glad to hear that Keven is doing okay. You are so right about relapse, we can deal with it if or when it happens. We can't let the fear control us just like we don't want fear of getting clean to control them.

I could go on about insurance as well. Our plan is horrible and we pay $1200.00 per month for 3 of us. I just started shopping for other Insurance and I have yet to find something comparable that is less. We need to get B on as his expires in November and it will go up to 1550.00. It is ridiculous and there have been times over the last couple of years that we have let it go for several months.

Lou said...

What happened to universal coverage? Are we getting it or not?? It's horrible what a stalemate this country is in...nothing gets decided anymore, just argued and argued. Even if people vote for change, it goes to the courts for another 10 years.

This is a big problem, I feel for you.

I'm glad Kevin got through it, and hope all is well when he goes back to United.

Syd said...

I am with you on the political football that health insurance has become. We need to have the universal coverage. It was passed and yet the right wingnuts continue to try to kill it. Why? I think because they don't really want anything to affect their pocket books. It is all about greed and money and hell with the rest of the population who are just struggling to have a living that is better than third world. I have a strong soapbox on this too.

Bar L. said...

Thanks for the comments about Kev :)

As for health care - I'm glad to know some of you agree with me. I thought we were finally going to have something that would benefit everyone.

Syd, well said. It makes me both sad and mad, but mostly sad that its such an "us and them" world. Everyone out for themselves. To me life is short and people are way more important than things (including the almighty dollar)

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