September 2, 2009

Court in the Morning

Two weeks ago tomorrow I was standing in line to board a plane for Wisconsin.  My cell phone rang.  It was Keven.  He was calling from the holding cell of the court where he appeared that morning to turn in some paperwork.  They had arrested him for falling asleep in the courtroom and they decided he was under the influence.  He's been in jail ever since.

Tomorrow he goes before the judge for sentencing.

I don't know what to expect but my educated guess is that they will "Prop him out" (put him in the Proposition 36 drug program).

I hope he gets out, but to be totally honest, part of me dreads it.  I don't like him in there but I really don't like dealing with the stress and tension that comes along with him being home.

We'll see what happens.

In other news:  I am in extreme pain in my right sciatic nerve and can barely move without wincing.  Ugh.  It makes me mad cause its so hard to do the simplest task like - get up out of a chair, sit down, or do just about anything that requires my right leg to move.

Anybody got fun plans for Labor Day weekend?


Michael said...

Not sure what the proposition 36 drug plan is, but perhaps it includes rehab. This is great but, as you mentioned the book "Twelve Steps For Anyone Who Wants Them", the key is "wants". Keven has to want recover or he won't get it. An addiction can be very powerful and to overcome it one must have a strong desire to overcome and depend on God.

Mom of Opiate Addict said...

I agree, it is stressful when they come home. I was given the advice to tell my son to find a place to stay before he got out of jail, I didn't take that advice. Kind of wish I had now. I have found it hard to stick to the boundaries that I set and am now paying for that. Follow through is so important, say what you mean, mean what you say. My son doesn't want help yet, he isn't ready, I hope that Keven is. God Bless you, I know how you feel.

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