October 12, 2009

Intervention on A&E

Do any of you watch this show?  Its kind of depressing but I watch it every week.  It seems like most people that go into treatment eventually relapse.  The odds just don't look good.  But I refuse to give up hope and I will believe the best until proven otherwise.  So far K's already relapsed three times, his longest time clean was only 30 days.   But this time...maybe its going to be forever.

THANK YOU FOR THE COMMENTS!  There are some great comments to this post.  Bottom line:  Addiction is a family disease and if the whole family does not get help (Recovery) the addicts chances of getting and remaining clean are slim. 


Madison said...

Yes. I watch it. But, I mostly focus my attention on all the sick members of the family who more than likely don't change either. I think everybody has to change. It's interesting to see the roles that family members take on when someone has this illness of addiction.

justLacey said...

I believe that some of the high relapse rate is due to families not getting treatment and just thinking the addict is on his own. Family members tend not to go to treatment as well and learn how to help or how not to. This is a family disease and takes a family to fix it. Lots of support initially and many life changes. You and Keven can do this!

Michael said...

From what I have seen the biggest problem is the lack of follow up after a recovery program. Often people of addiction are left on their own to seek out A.A.or N.A, or come to Celebrate Recovery (awesome program). S peer support group and family support are of great importance.

LisaC said...

When my son was living at home and active in his addiction, he watched it. I was so naieve that I thought he was watching it to remind himself of how awful it would be to get caught up in the loop. Now I think he watched it and it was a cry for help. First, look at all some of those celebrity types give up for drugs, and if they can get clean, maybe I can as well. I don't know. I don't watch it today because it doesn't add to my own recovery or well being. I'd rather watch, "So You Think You Can Dance!" :)

Mom of Opiate Addict said...

I also used to watch but no longer, it just upsets me too much. I already have enough pain and it just feels like I am inflicting more by watching. I see the point watching and learning from the families what not to do, but I can learn that in meetings and on my blog. I also caught a quick glimple of the DJ AM show on MTV with him helping addicts and then of course he overdosed himself recently...just so sad. LISA..I love SYTYCD!!!!

Syd said...

I've watched it twice. I go to quite a few open AA meetings where I hear speakers talk about their experience, strength and hope. I find that more rewarding than TV.

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