November 21, 2009

Honest Scrap

I have another award to add, this one requires ten things about me but since I just did seven, I will only add three :)   Thanks, Sherry!

Also, there was a lot of award swapping going on this week.  I pass this one on to anyone who reads here who did not get one yet!  I tried to figure it out but got a headache trying!

8.  Since the person who gave me this award admitting to skinny dipping....I will about my skinny dipping experiences (all many years ago):  Once in a pool at my office at night, once in the Pacific in broad daylight (thank you God that I did not get arrested for that....) and once in Hawaii at night in the Pacific and a few other random times in pools that are foggy memories....

9.  My secret wish is to someday write a book, but I have no idea what it would be about.

10.In relation to #8 I will admit to being quite a party girl back in my teens/early 20's.  I drank too much and experimented with most drugs.  I am not proud of that or of many of the stupid things I did while under the influence, but I must admit I also had a lot of fun and never got in any serious trouble.  Luckily I "grew up" at age 25 and settled down quite a bit.  By 30 I was a stick in the mud and didn't go out for 12 years....


Roxy said...

Again, congrats!!! You deserve them all, hon. Peace and blessings!

Midnitefyrfly said...

Skinny dipping in daylight?!?!?!? sounds fun ;) Congrats on a an award well won!!! (((HUGS)))

Sue said...

Skinny dipping. Cool.

Okay, so ... uh, I guess I've sort of changed my mind about the whole blogging thing. *cough*

Barbara(aka Layla) said...

Roxy, thank you!

Fyrfly, Well it was more like running into the ocean, freezing my @ss off, then running back to my towel. :)

Sue, oh good I was tired of wearing this black garb and looking forlorn.

Kay, LOL!!! I would NEVER do that. Just considering it was a moment of temporary insanity.

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